How to get traffic from Quora for free? The ultimate guide(2024)

Last Updated on 6 months by Rabin Rasaili

Are you tired of struggling to drive traffic to your website, or blog?

Look no further than Quora, the question-and-answer platform that can be a goldmine for attracting free, targeted traffic.

Imagine tapping into a platform with over 300 million monthly active users, where people come seeking answers and expertise on various topics-that’s the power of Quora.

In this ultimate guide, We’ll dive deep into different strategies and tactics to get more eyes on your content with the help of Quora. Say goodbye to complicated tactics and hello to the straightforward world of “How to Get Traffic from Quora.”

Ready to give your website the traffic it deserves?

Let’s dive in!

An Overview of Quora


Quora is simply a questions and answers(Q&A) platform where different people ask questions and get answers. 

Here, people from diverse communities interact with each other for various questions and their curiosities. You can ask any topic-related questions on Quora and people who have expertise on the topic will answer your questions.

Founded in 2009, Quora is one of the most popular Q&A platforms right now, with over 300 million monthly active users. It offers marketers an invaluable opportunity to gain organic traffic & increase their blog reach.

Interesting fact: Barack Obama is also on Quora & has taken the opportunity to respond to queries.

Why Should You Use Quora? Benefits

Quora’s immense popularity and active user base make it a goldmine for bloggers looking to drive traffic.

Here are some key reasons why Quora should be a part of your traffic generation strategy:

1. Huge user base

Do you know that the Quora platform ranked 17th among the most popular social media and falls under 50th among the most visited sites of all time, globally?

Not only that, Quora has over 300 million active users monthly which makes it undoubtedly one of the biggest Q&A platforms in the current time. 



It’s massive, right?

Also, about 67,000 new questions are asked on Quora every day, and about 198,278 answers are written on Quora every day. (Source)

Therefore, you can also join Quora and answer these questions. And if your answers are good enough, you surely will drive this massive traffic to your blog or website.

Whether you’re interested in technology, cooking, fashion, or anything in between, you’re bound to find a community of like-minded individuals on Quora.

2. Hyper-Targeted Audience

Hyper-Targeted Audience

One of the great things about Quora is that it allows you to engage with a hyper-targeted audience by answering questions related to your preferred niche. 

Unlike other social media platforms where your content may get lost in the shuffle, Quora allows you to connect with people who are genuinely interested in the topics you’re passionate about. 

Quora also has its own group called “Quora Space,” where like-minded people form a community and share their insights and discussions about specific industries.

So whether you’re into astrophysics or knitting, there’s a Quora community waiting for you.

3. Increased Website Referral Traffic

Increased Website Referral Traffic

Referral traffic basically means when people click a link and go to another site.

When you provide valuable answers on Quora and include links to your website(smartly), you have the potential to drive Quora’s massive traffic to your blog or site.

Although these links are no-follow links, it is still a great way to boost your website traffic, and the good thing is that you don’t have to pay a single penny for it. 

Yes, it’s completely free.

It also lets us insert links(blog or social media) on our bio, which we can use to redirect Quora traffic to our preferred links.

4. Authority Building


Having high authority means you are the expert in your niche and more likely to be trusted. People will tend to show engagement in your stuff if you show yourself as an expert in your field.

When you consistently provide valuable and well-researched answers on Quora, people will take you as a professional. By doing so, you establish yourself as a credible and trusted source in your industry.

As other Quora users recognize your expertise through your contributions, they are more likely to trust your opinions and recommendations.

This helps strengthen your brand reputation, attract followers, and open doors for collaboration opportunities with other industry professionals or publications.

5. SEO(search engine optimization) Benefits

If you search any queries on Google search engines, chances are very high that you will see Quora in the top 10 or even in the top 5.

Don’t believe me?

Quora seo benefits


This means that you also have a very high chance to rank in Google SERPs and get exposed to massive traffic if your answers are worthy enough.

Make sure your answers are unique & well-optimized with relevant keywords so that you may have the chance to appear in search engines, driving organic traffic to your blog.

6. Helps you find trending blog topics

Are you aware that Quora can act as a very powerful keyword research tool for your blog?

Yes, you can find millions of blog topics on Quora which are trending on the web.  

A report shows that about 67,000 new questions are asked every day.

Considering this number, you literally can surf through thousands of topics related to your niche(any niche), which you can use to create blog posts and is easy to rank, too, if you put a little bit of effort into it.

Trending blog topics on quora

As you see above, Quora shows lots of questions on the keyword “What is Toical Authority?” and there are more if you scroll down.

If you are a blogger, then Quora is a must-use platform for you. 

Start using Quora today, and you will never run out of content ideas again.

7. Get Noticed by Other Big Publications

It’s a dream for many small bloggers and writers to get featured in big publications like Forbes, HuffPost, The New York Times, etc.

Would you believe it if I told you that Quora can help you fulfill that dream of yours?

Most of the top writers get this chance. One example is James Altucher, who has been featured in HuffPost, Slate, Fatherly, and many others.


The key is to provide insightful and well-researched answers while maintaining consistency.

Most reputable marketers, big agencies, other bloggers, and even CEOs utilize Quora as their promotional channel.

Be sure to follow them and interact with them by commenting on their answers, and you will have a good chance of getting noticed by these publications.

How to Get Traffic From Quora For Free

Now you have seen the potential benefits of using Quora, let’s move to our main query–How to get traffic from Quora?


Let’s begin.

1. Crafting an Attention-Grabbing Quora Profile

If you want to be a successful Quora writer, then the first thing you should work on is your Quora bio. Most of the newbies fail at this.

But you, yes you can avoid this.

Do not write your bio just randomly. It would be best if you did some research before, see what great Quora profiles look like, and, most importantly, be genuine.

Your Quora profile should answer the question:

Who is this guy, and why should I trust his answers? Does he qualify to answer this question?


You can start by choosing a professional profile picture that represents your brand or your personality.

Next, you need to give yourself a killer headline with a bio that perfectly defines you or your brand.

Quora headline

Your bio is what appears just below your name and should indicate that you are an expert and qualified to answer those questions.

Quora bio

You only have 60 characters to express yourself. So choose wisely.
Now, it’s time to add your description and credentials.

You need to be more focused and careful while adding those as they add additional value to your overall profile and build a sense of trust in your reader’s eye.

Quora profile optimize

Your description does not have to be long with a bunch of complicated words from which readers may get bored. Try to keep it simple, short, and to the point.

Express yourself, what you do, your job, experiences, or maybe some hobbies too.
You can also do text formatting and make it more attractive, and if you think it’s relevant, then you can add pictures too.

Most importantly-don’t forget to add links to your blog, business site, or social media if you have one. You can add it in the same description box.

Quora bio

It allows readers to easily access more of your content and connect with you on other platforms.

Another thing to do is to claim your core topics in the “Knows about” section. It is a section for adding topics that you know or have some expertise in. Be sure to choose relevant to your niche and profile description.

Quora knows about

And this is how you create a great Quora profile.

Now you are all set with your profile, it’s time to dive deep and do proper content research.

2. Research relevant topics & questions

Research relevant topics & questions

Most of the newbies start answering questions randomly without any research. This is the mistake you have to avoid. Quora is an ocean of millions of topics and questions. You have to dive deep, take your time, and do proper research.

Just because there are questions doesn’t mean you have to answer every one of them. Only pick those questions that you have expertise in or think you can provide value in.

Right Way to Find Trending Questions

Finding trending questions on Quora is not an easy task. It takes time and a lot of patience.

Picking a random question and starting to answer won’t work on Quora. You must choose the right question to get ranked and get people’s attention.

You may be thinking, How do I do that?

Let me show you.

1. Niche-specific

Always stay focused on your niche and industry. Answering a bunch of Quora questions related to every industry won’t help you to drive traffic to your website.

Only answer those questions relevant to your niche and that you think can provide value.

2. Answer-Follower ratio

One rule I like is always to select those questions that have an answer-follower ratio of at least 1:5, which means that a question should have at least 5 followers for every answer.

Get it?

Ok, this will make it more clear.

Answer-Follower ratio rule

Here, the answer-follower ratio is 626:6700, which is more than our rule and thus satisfies the condition, i.e. 1:5.

This means that the question has high potential and low competition, and your answer has a good chance of being seen by a large audience or getting more upvotes.

3. Answer-Views ratio

Another rule I like is always to select those questions that have an answer-views ratio of at least 1:100, which means that a question should have at least 100 views for every answer.

Let me show you an example.


Here, the question has an answer-views ratio of 203:247500, which satisfies our condition, i.e., 1:100.

You can see it by clicking the three dots on the right side and then clicking “View question log.”

Note: Use only one rule while choosing questions. Questions don't have to meet both conditions. I recommend you use the answer-follower ratio rule if you are a beginner.  

Also, it’s important to note that this is not an ideal ratio and can vary from person to person. The main idea is to pick those questions that have higher followers or views than answers. 

4. Last followed

Another thing to keep in mind is to always try to answer the latest questions that are at least 1 or 1.5 years old.


In most cases, answering old questions won’t benefit you, and you will just waste your time. You can also check its last followed month from which you can decide whether to answer it or not.

5. Using Google

One interesting fact about the Quora question is its answers ranked well in Google SERPs for most of the queries.

Just go to Google and type “ [Your Keyword]” and you will see everything related to that keyword that’s on Quora.


You can totally take advantage of this and extract the trending topics from Google to answer on Quora for which you can rank organically too.

6. QApop tool

Qapop tool for quora questions

It is a tool specially designed to help businesses harness Quora for marketing purposes and can help you extract trending questions from Quora in a few clicks.

Although it is a paid tool, it offers a 7-day free trial, and you can find up to 300 questions for free, which is a great deal for starters.

If anyone is serious about their Quora reach, then QApop is a must-use tool.

Try it for free now

7. Using SEMrush

For anyone using SEMrush, it’s a great way to find Quora trending topics to answer or even create a blog using the keywords.

SEMrush also provides a 7-day free trial in which you can use all the premium features for free. I recommend you give it a try.

Try it for free now

Now you have found your question, let’s write a perfect answer.

3. Craft Insightful and Unique Answers

Craft Detailed and Insightful Answers

Writing a Quora answer is just like writing a blog post but at a short length comparatively. Although there is no word limit in writing answers, don’t try to twist your answers and make them long just for the sake of content.

Keep your answers concise and easy to read, as Quora users appreciate brief and actionable content. Remember, not all your Quora answers will go viral. The secret is to keep trying and learn over time from mistakes.

Tips For Writing Quality Answers on Quora

Instead of having great quality cohesive and insightful answers, it may not be able to get upvotes, shares, comments, views, and followers. This can happen due to many reasons from which your readers may have a bad user experience.

There is no exact formula for this but you surely can get success sooner if you follow these simple tips that are mentioned below.

1. Understand the question

First thing first, take your time to understand the question and the intention behind it. Don’t just rush to write the answer. Do proper research and then craft your answer.

2. An interesting intro

Just like blog posts, you have to grab the reader’s attention instantly. An interesting introduction would be a great start. Make it short and impactful, maybe 1 or 2 lines.

 You can start with a startling statistic, an interesting anecdote or quote, or a question that will make them think.

3. Go for longer answers

Always try to write longer answers. Remember, Quora ranks on Google, too, and you can, too. Considering the questions, keep your best answers between 300-500 words or you can even go up to 1000 words too if the content demands it.

Your answers should be straightforward and to the point. Use evidence and proof from credible sources to support your claims. This could include statistics, studies, or expert opinions. Check properly for any grammatical mistakes.

4. Experiences/Stories

Experiences and stories sell great on Quora. If possible include some experiences of yours or stories that people can relate to. Let them know they are not alone.

In all of the experiences and stories, do not forget to address the main issue. Be sure to include the exact and detailed answers to the question in the body section.

5. Formatting of texts

Use proper formatting of texts. Don’t use long paragraphs; instead, break down your Quora answers into headings and sub-headings. You can also include some listings to make it more readable.

6. Use visual elements

Quora also lets you insert images. Images can add great value to your answers. Be sure to add images in between texts so that you can better communicate with your readers.

These images can be screenshots-proofs to support your answers, infographics, or any other relevant images.

7. Use relevant links smartly

You have to be very careful and smooth while inserting links. Always try to insert links to the bottom paragraphs of your answer. Don’t add any links or affiliations in your initial paragraphs. Let them read your full answer.

If you are just starting, I recommend you not to insert any links for some days and stay focused on providing value to readers.

Most importantly, don’t insert links in all your answers. Having too many links can result in collapsing or deletion of your answers, and we don’t want that, right?

Include only one affiliate link per answer for beginners. Others can insert 2 or more links if needed. This will help your overall Quora reputation and show that you are not here just to promote links or affiliations.

8. Include CTA (Call to action)

Don’t just copy-paste links; instead, use a strong CTA at the end of your Quora answers so that you sound legit and have a better conversion rate.

You can ask for upvotes, shares, comments, views, or followers according to your preferences.

Some examples are:

  • Drive traffic to a website:
  • For more information on how to start a business, visit our website at “Your site URL”.
  • Get people to follow you on social media:
  • Follow us on Twitter @example for more great content on business.
  • Get people to share your answer:
  • Share this answer with your friends and colleagues so they can learn how to start a business, too.

4. Using Quora spaces

I guess you all are familiar with Facebook groups. Quora spaces are very much like Facebook groups.

A little different take, there is a concept of contributor and follower in Quora space. Only contributors can share posts or contribute, and you have to apply to become a contributor.

It’s a group of like-minded people forming a community and discussing a specific topic or niche.

So make sure to join different Quora spaces and actively participate and contribute your valuable insights. If your posts are good enough, then you may drive a huge amount of traffic from there.

This also can establish you as an authority and credible source in the eyes of your readers.

To join:

Just type your topic and filter it from right using spaces; you will see spaces related to the particular topic you typed in.

Or, you can even create your own space and invite people to join it.

5. Be Consistent and Engage


While quality is very essential in Quora, consistency matters too. Posting regularly, even 3-4 times a week, can help you build an audience and maintain engagement. Find a posting schedule that works for you and stick to it.

Engaging with other users and involving in the discussions also helps you to get noticed by Quora readers.

The more actively you provide value to readers, the more exposure you get and build authority in your reader’s eye on the subject, eventually leading to an increase in followers and traffic.

6. Do cross-promotion

Do cross-promotion

Writing good answers alone is not enough.

You also have to do the promotions of your content on different social media or other platforms you know of so that you can reach a larger and more diverse target audience, and get more views.

Simply copy the link of the answer you want to promote and paste it into your preferred platforms.

You can also directly share your answers to relevant questions in your preferred Quora spaces for more exposure.

Pro tip: Make sure you follow top writers related to your niche.

Quora paid ads

Quora also lets its users run ads to promote their content.

For anyone struggling to get views and followers even after providing good and valuable content, paid ads can be a great option to reach a larger target audience quickly.

Here’s how to get started:

First, copy the link of your answer you want to promote and click the little profile icon on your top right. There, you can see an option called “Ads Manager.” Click it.

Quora ads

A popup will open where you will be asked to fill in your business name and details.

Quora Ad Account
Quora Ad Account (1)

Make sure to fill in all and your advertising account will be set up.

Now, Let’s create our first campaign.

You will be asked to fill in some campaign details, as shown in the figure.

Set your objective and budget according to your needs, and you are good to go.

It’s time to configure your ad targeting. Aside from targeting location, gender, and devices, Quora also lets us choose the primary type of targeting in which you can set very specific options.

Contextual targeting works well for promoting Quora answers.

Moving forward, it’s time to set the ad format and URL for promoted answers. Choose “Promote an answer” in the media tab and insert your preferred answer link which you have copied in the beginning.

Finally, add your payment methods and launch the campaign.

Congratulations, your ad is live now. All you have to do now is monitor the performance of your ads campaign and make adjustments if necessary.

Now let’s track our campaign performance.

Setting Up Quora Pixel Code

To monitor the performance of your ads you must configure Quora Pixel code into your site. To do this:

On the Ads Manager page, click on the “PIxels & Events” tab and click “Setup Pixel.”

Then, you will be given two options: select “install manually,” and a code will appear. Just copy the code and paste the base pixel code into your new websites “head” section.

The next step is to specify the type of website action you want to monitor, such as adding items to a cart, making a purchase, and signing up for your newsletter.

Once more, the code needs to be copied into the pages where the action takes place, and we are done.

Now you can track your ads performance and adjust your strategy accordingly.

Our next step is to track Quora traffic going to your site. So that you know whether our efforts are making a difference or not.

How to Track Quora Traffic

To track our Quora traffic, we are going to use Google Analytics. This is one of the best tracking tools which provides very detailed and insightful data on our sites or campaign.

To do this UTM(Urchin Tracking Module) code is needed. It is a snippet of text added to a URL to track and analyze website traffic. It helps marketers understand which sources or campaigns are driving traffic to a website.

In our case, it informs Google Analytics of traffic details coming from our Quora account to our site.

Below is the UTM code attached to my site:

Here, “utm_source=quora” means that your traffic source is none other than Quora. It may look a little technical, but don’t worry, it’s not. It’s easy and quick to set up.

Important: Before using UTM codes, keep in mind that you need to confirm your ownership of your website on Google Analytics. You should look at this Google guide if you haven't already.

Now, how do you find a UTM Code for your site?

Visit this site Campaign URL Builder.

Campaign URL Builder Dashboard

All you have to do is type the phrase “Quora” or something similar in the “Campaign Source” field. And don’t forget to include the full website link of the article or site you are linking to.

The “Campaign Medium” and “Campaign Name” parameters should also be defined here, but for the sake of simplicity, let’s stick with the source.

All done! Now, all traffic from Quora that uses that link will be monitored. You should now be able to access the Quora traffic data in your Google Analytics account.

Go to “Acquisitions” and select “Channels” under “All Traffic.” To obtain the data you seek, just be sure to choose a particular “Primary Dimension.”

Here, we must choose “Source” and search for the word “Quora.”

Mistakes to Avoid in Quora

When using Quora, it’s essential to be mindful of certain mistakes to ensure a positive experience on the platform.

Here are some common mistakes to avoid in Quora:

  • Never answer a question without proper research. Don’t rush. You can save it for later. Understand the question first, do a proper study, and come up with a valuable answer.
  • Never choose a question with fewer followers or views than the number of answers. Always go for high; otherwise, you may be wasting your time.
  • While consistency matters, quality matters, too. So make the answer the best of both worlds.
  • Avoid writing short answers. Always go for long answers(300-500 words), keeping the paragraphs short with proper formatting.
  • Never copy-paste AI content. Your answers may get collapsed or even deleted. You surely can use AI as assistance, but be sure to make necessary adjustments and input your touch before posting.
  • Do not ever plagiarize content. Your answers must be unique and different. You definitely can take ideas from others, but make sure to make them yours before publishing them on Quora.
  • Never promote your inks or affiliations without providing any value. First, focus on quality content, then smartly insert the links. Also, don’t use too many links in one post, and always try to add links in the last paragraphs or bottom of the content.
  • Avoid any grammatical errors. You can use tools like Grammarly for this.
  • Avoid engaging in arguments or disputes, and don’t use sexual or adult content too.
  • Violating Quora Policies is another very important thing you must avoid. It can result in account suspension or permanent removal, too. You can read more about Quora policies here.

Final thoughts-How to get traffic from Quora

In the end, remember that patience is key. It might take some time to see significant results. Still, with consistent effort and the right strategies, you can make Quora a major source of traffic for your website.

Now I’d like to hear from you:

What was your favorite tip from this guide?

Or maybe you have some other ideas that you think I should add.

Either way, let me know in the comment below.

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